Saturday, November 28, 2009

An Unexpected Surprise

This is fantastic! It's my weekly Sunday post and I have good news! After a week of my usual strenuous work exercise, but absolutely NOT watching what I eat at all - seriously, there were days when I ate nothing but confectionery - only to weigh myself this morning to find that I had dropped ANOTHER 0.4kg!

This means that I'm now down to 93.6kg (that's a drop from 208lb to 206lb - 2 pounds in 2 weeks). The last time I lost weight, I shed nearly 20kg in 15 months. This makes me wonder - had I bothered to do any exercise then, might I have lost the weight quicker? Is the pro-exercise propaganda everyone feeds me actually TRUE? I'm going to have to re-evaluate my entire belief system.

OK all (all being me, as noone reads this blog), bye for now.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


This is my regular Sunday post. I've reached 94.0kg, which means I've lost a whopping 0.4kg! This doesn't seem like much, but as long as the numbers are going down, I'm happy.

I'm not working as much this week as I did in the week just past, so I'm going to have to watch what I eat more due to less exercise.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Second Wind

The Perfection Project has just had new life breathed into it. I was beginning to go stale on the whole idea, wondering if I would really have the energy to be bothered to pull it off. And then I did just that: I pulled it off. Pulled my shirt off, to be exact, and found that I have muscles in my arms now. I've never had muscles before!

And then it hit me: the reason I was wondering whether the project would last is because in the short week I've been doing it, I've made it to feel like a chore. I tried to commit to blogging once a day, whether I had anything to blog about or not. So I'm not going to do that anymore - if it's a chore, you never feel like doing it.

So now I'm just going to blog whenever I have a development, be it in the money department or in the weight loss/fitness department, or even the organisational and confidence sector. But I'm going to limit my blogging to once a day so that it doesn't turn into a weird Twitteresque thing and I'm making a commitment to blog every Sunday right after my weigh-ins.

That's all for now, glad to be back with you all! (And by all, I mean me, because let's face it - noone is reading at this point)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Losing Track

Well it's unusual for me to do a morning post, but I don't think I've done one in a few days because I fail. The night before last I completely forgot, and then yesterday I had work from 12-8 after which I zipped around town picking up my friends, and then we all went to see the midnight premiere of New Moon.

I really liked it, it was a great movie despite the horribly awkward scenes between the two main characters. For two hot people who are supposedly doing it off-screen, they have surprisingly little chemistry.

The last few days have passed like the rest of them - bad eating balanced out by lots of exercise. I wasn't meant to work yesterday but my sister, who was meant to work, sliced her head open at work the day before - so I had to do her shift. Fun.

Anyway, it's 10.05
am on Thursday, November 19. I always say the time to keep track, because blogger always records it as a funky time from the day before.

Signing out for now,

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 6

Too exhausted to blog tonight, but had a good day of progress. Ate fairly well, earned money. My head is foggy tonight for some reason, so will put forth the promised master plan when I'm thinking more clearly.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Big Weigh-In

Alright, so at 10am this morning I finally weighed myself. I came up as 94.4kg. I'm going to make my goal to get down to 80kg. Tomorrow I will post my master plan for bringing the entire Perfection Project into focus. Mostly because I haven't totally worked it out yet.

94.4kg (or 208lb, for any American people that may begin to read) may seem like a lot, but it's distributed fairly evenly throughout my body as I'm very tall (194cm, or 6'5"), so when I'm clothed you can barely tell that I'm overweight. In any case, I'm a lot healthier now than I have been for most of my life.

Until I was 16, I was bordering on obese. I was only 188cm (6'3") and a massive 108.9kg (240lb). That was when Mother dragged me to one of her Weight Watchers meetings and I began to lose weight, all the while getting taller. At my lowest, I got down to 88.3kg (194lb). In the last year, however, I've let myself slide a bit, which has played a part in my launching of The Perfection Project.

So! There we have it. I have a current weight and a goal weight. The rest of the plan should fall into place nicely with a little bit of thought. That doesn't just include the weight-loss aspirations, but also the money, skin, organisation and fitness areas.

That said, today didn't go well. I had a friend over and a dinner for my sister's birthday, so I overdid the eating. Not to worry!

See you tomorrow, non-existent readers,

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 4

Glasses of water: 1 (bad), confectionary items: 5000 (addictions are not overcome in a day), soft drink items: 3 (bad).

Well, well, well... it has been a thoroughly uninteresting day today. I worked from 12.30 to 9, and it is now 11pm. It has been fruitless as I've spent the day engaging in thoroughly non-perfect activities, from the bag of candy I ate this morning to the cheese twists and bag of jelly beans that Mother brought into work (yes, she has now opened a mobile sabotage service, though to her defence she does not know it). I did, however, earn lots of money, which will bode well in the finance division.

The big weigh-in is tomorrow, so after that I will have a more concrete plan with real progress reports that'll have numbers and everything. Once I weigh myself, everything will fall into place.

Looking forward to tomorrow's update,